Thursday, June 27, 2013

Things He Carries For Me

The day-to-day monotony of schedules and busyness of life often times become an unbearable burden. Its like a child who constantly wants to be carried. The burden of them on one's back can become heavy and destructive to one's mental and physical capacity. In life we have this burden and yet time and time again we try to carry it on our own. It is not a bad burden, but yet one of constant distractions, faults, and frustrations. It builds up and we try every way to relieve ourselves of this weight we carry from day to day. 

From My Heart:
In my B.C. (before Christ) days I tried everything from drinking to sexual immorality to cure me of these burdens. I felt that if I got attention from the right people I would feel accepted. I had a burning hole in my life and all I wanted was to be desired. This hole was a figurative self-destruction button that I tried to press many times. But there was only one person who could cure my worldly sickness and fill that hole. Only one person had the fullness within Him that would fill me.  Only one person was and still is capable of saving us from our self-destructiveness.

So how do we break this toxic cycle of building unbearable burdens and attempts of self-destruction? There is no step-by-step book for dummies including a bunch of ridiculous how to's. Its a process of extracting our sinful nature and allowing the Holy Spirit to renovate our heart. In Ephesians 4, Paul commands the church of Ephesus to put on the new life that is created in Christ likeness, by putting away the falsehoods/lies and speaking the truth. He commands them to let nothing destructive or corruptive to come out of their mouths but only that which would build one another up. We are to be kind and tender hearted to one another the way Christ has been toward us.

The weight we carry is from holding on to our sinful nature and destructive desires, unwilling to allow Christ to renovate our hearts and minds. Simply, we fail to surrender. In Galatians, Paul addresses the church of Galatia. Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me, and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me."

 I challenge you to pray about these burdens that separate you from Christ and separate you from allowing the Holy Spirit to live inside of you.
What do you carry?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Daring to be Different

What does it mean to be different for God?

I know a lot of times we tend to skip over the old testament because it can be "boring" or "too historical" but I want to look at a woman who was a leader in her professional life as a prophetess, judging Israel, but also a wife in her personal life. She was decisive and charismatic, having the spiritual endurance during battle to prevail and never giving up. In an era of [Judges 17:6; 21:25] everyone doing what was right in their own eyes. So what is it that made her so different from the other judges?

Well the mystery woman I am speaking of is Deborah from Judges 4.  She faced the challenge of leading the Israelites during this time of rebellion. Also, A woman! are you kidding me! This was a very unusual position for a woman in her culture. She was known for her courage and desire to seek God's will for the Hebrew people. She distinguishes herself as one of the most Godly judges. This is incredibly ironic that the most distinguished judge of the time was a woman. Despite the poor choices of the other judges, her words and actions constantly pointed to God, not away from Him.

C.S. Lewis says, "The Christian way is different: harder and easier. Christ says, 'give me all. I don't want much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work; I want you. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I do not want to cut off a branch here and a branch there. I want to have the whole tree cut down. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you myself; my own will shall become yours."

So, what does it mean to live a life being different for God? How can you be a modern day Deborah in our self-satisfying society?

My heart's response:

Simply, I had to die to self. The biggest step in having a friendship or relationship is the selfless attitude and sacrifice involved. In a relationship with a physical earthly person, it is natural to justify your sacrifice because of the mutual immediate benefaction. Whereas in a relationship with God, the sacrifice is immediate but we don't always see his immediate work. Being different for God is accepting this and recognizing my actions are done in faith of who God is and all that He promises for me. By accepting this difference and dying to self I am giving God everything [example: modesty, purity, social media, cell phone, physical training, friends, prayer, worship, thoughts, actions, etc.]
Being different in these areas of my life is what has drawn me closer to what God is trying to reveal to me. Because I am different and willing to leave my selfish desires and follow where he is leading me. When I am different for God and I am going against the crowd, it is "easier". By easier I mean that when I am going against the crowd and following the will of God, He keeps me in perfect peace. Never once have I regretted dressing modestly, re-dedicating my purity, temporarily deactivating my facebook, having a "dumb" phone, praying for others, worshipping, sober thoughts, or God glorifying actions. God fills me with His presence when I am walking in His will. This leads to joy and peace as I have "dared to be different". I challenge you to read and study the story of Deborah for yourself!
  Isaiah 26:3 [You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.]

I challenge you to answer this question for yourself:
What would your life look like if you dared to be different for God, what would change?